
Unranked Phillipsburg Makes a Statement at Osborne Invitational

Unranked Phillipsburg made a statement to others in Class 3,2,1A that others better keep a close watch on them this year. Just ask Hill City who entered the season as the #2 ranked team in Class3,2,1A as they finished Runner-Up to Phillipsburg this past weekend at the Osborne Invitational.

The top three teams each placed 8 wrestlers in the top four of the tournament, but the biggest difference score wise came from Phillipsburg were they sent seven wrestlers to the finals with three winning gold medals.

Hill City meanwhile, produced the most champions with sending five to the championships and crowning all five, but couldn’t match Phillipsburg team wise with higher team placement points.

Both Ellis and Minneapolis had respectable tournaments as they both crowned two champions with each scoring over 100 team points.

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Written by Jim Ramirez


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