
How To Get Your Team Featured on

This is our second season covering high school wrestling in Kansas, and we are ready to take it to the next level.

With that said, we are looking at different angles to get as many programs and teams as possible featured on the site.

We are asking for you to help me help you here.

If any coaches would like to have a season preview on their team, please fill out the form below or send me the following at

We really hope for this to be a way to get any school that wants to be on the site featured. It will also help familiarize readers, and even myself, with each school as we head into the season and hopefully develop more interest in every team across the state.

  • What's your name?
  • What's your email? - If we need to follow-up with questions.
  • Please list your team here
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif.
    Upload your team photo here let fans see your team
  • Some of these may not be finalized yet, but whatever you have here.
  • Weight by weight who you expect to have on your roster and who you project to start. I know it’s preseason and many spots are still to be determined. If some are going to be competitive and still to be determined, feel free to put that.
  • Records from last year. Lists of state qualifiers, placers, champs, etc… Fargo team members and All-Americans. Regular season tournament finishes. Anything of that nature that you have available.
  • Quotes, expectations, anything you want to include.
  • Show who the head, assistants, junior high, club and others who help coach this team. Let's show the coaches some love here.

What do you think?


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